Italian Story : Love At First Sight During Coronavirus Lockdown

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It's a modern-day Romeo and Juliet story.

An Italian couple have fallen for one another during lockdown in the city of Verona.

It was love at first sight from the balconies of their neighbouring blocks of flats for Michele D’Alpaos, 38, and Paola Agnelli, 39 as they emerged to listen to music at 18:00 - a daily occurrence in Italy.

The live music was provided by Ms Agnelli’s sister, a professional violinist who lives with her and chose that day to play Queen’s We Are the Champions as neighbours applauded.

Paola told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I went out on to the balcony to watch my sister play her violin and I saw Michele standing on the opposite balcony. I realised he was my friend's brother and I said 'What a handsome man'.

"When the music was over I got a message on Instagram. It was from Michele and he said 'I could write a book called Love In The Time Of Coronavirus'.

"That night we wrote to one another until the early hours. We realised we shared the same values and that those would be a solid base for a relationship."

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