Blog, Sweet N Sour: Only Sour, No sweet In The Yeae 2020

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The 2020 . will go down as one of the darkest year in human history. It started with the outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 and ending with the appearance of another variant of Coronavirus, which is reported to be 70 percent more contagious and 56 % more transmissible than other strains. As such, the deadly spread of corona is seen affecting us in 2021 as well .But, let us pray for the bright new year with vaccine overpowering the darkness spread of the killer virus.

The calendar year of 'twentytwenty' (2020) has taught us many hard lessons and reminded us nothing, not even advanced science and technology, is more powerful than the Mother Nature. All our might of nuke power and chemical weapons have proved useless before a minuscule virus that has killed more than 1,8 million people and infected 82.7 million globally with U.S.and India topping the list. And shockingly, the superpower America, which used to flaunt its nuke power. has been worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

And more shockingly, India , once the most powerful civilization and the center of the six systems (shad-darśana) – Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta is the another worst hit nation after America.

In 21st centuries, mankind was flying very high and trying to overpower even the Mother Nature. forgetting that Nature is our greatest teacher, Unfortunately, human beings don't understand its value. So the Nature has its own ways of teaching living creature including human beings.

Its still not late and we need to discipline ourselves by attuning to six systems of Indian philosophy of living.
Corona is a respiratory disease. A person infected with coronavirus — even one with no symptoms — emits aerosols when he talks or breathes. Aerosols are infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air for up to three hours. If another person breathe in these aerosols. he gets infected with the virus. This is why is is insisted that everyone should cover his nose and mouth when he goes out in public. As such, we must keep social distancing. wear mask and wash our hands regularly for 20 seconds.

Unfortunately, in India most people don't follow these precautionary measures. So they put not only their life at risk but others' life at risk also.

We have so many stories of sages and yogis telling us how they used to keep themselves hearty and health. Even in contemporary India, we have many yogis including Yoga guru Ramdev. They all had strong immunity. Human body need strong immunity to fight virus. Yoga boosts your immunity system.

According to Swami Ramdev as you breathe in, your heart rate generally speeds up, and slows when you exhale. The greater the difference between the inhalation and exhalation heart rates, the higher the vagal tone and the more readily your body can relax.

Certain yoga positions help support, balance and boost the immune system. It can also help fight oxidative stress which poses a risk to the healthy cells. If done regularly, yoga reduces stress systemically in the body, which in turn, cuts down inflammation and degeneration.

So our new year resolution should be that we shun westernisation and completely revert to six systems.And in this system, Yoga is important part. Yoga is very relevant in contemporary fast-paced modern lifestyle, for health and beauty.

Wish all of you a very happy and prosperous new year.

(Chander Sharma)

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